Frequently Asked Questions

  • What companies are part of Radar Holdings Limited?

    Radar Holdings operates two subsidiaries, Radar Properties, a property development company in Bulawayo that is currently developing the Kings City estate and Radar Investments, a brick manufacturing company that trades as Macdonald Bricks

  • Is RHL Listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange?

    The company delisted from the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) as a strategic move to create and maintain maximum value for stakeholders. It still remains a public company  and maintains reporting as a listed company. All stakeholders have full disclosure of what is happening in the company. 

  • What is the offical address for Radar Holdings Limited

    Address: 6th Floor Tanganyika House, 23 Third Street, PO Box CY132 Causeway, Harare

  • What is the core business of Radar Holdings Limited?

    Radar Holdings Limited (RHL) is an investment holding company with subsidiaries in the property and construction sector. While the solution to access affordable housing often focuses on the provision of the finished product, Radar understands that in order to complete a home there is an entire value chain behind it and, as a company that owns some of the key components of the property and construction value chain, RHL is uniquely positioned to make a widespread impact in solving the challenge of sustainable urbanisation in Zimbabwe.

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